New Guidelines in CFM
The Faculty of Clinical Forensic Medicine of the Royal College of Pathologists of Australasia has published some guidelines pertinent to the practice of Clinical Forensic Medicine. These include:
- Capacity to consent to examinations and forensic procedures;
- Cleaning and decontamination of Forensic Examination Suites;
- Assessment and management of non-fatal strangulation;
- Medical care in police custody; and
- Chaperones for intimate forensic medical examinations
Those interested in these new guidelines may view them at:
Perhaps to some, one comment within the Cleaning and Decontamination of Forensic Examination Suites may raise some issues:
Each forensic practitioner should have their DNA recorded on the forensic laboratory exclusion register so that contamination with their profiles can be excluded when specimens are processed.
Although this may be best practice scientifically, in the absence of appropriate legislative safeguards, forensic practitioners would be advised against following this advice.
John Gall, President