22nd Triennial Meeting of the International Association of Forensic Sciences in Sydney, Australia, now postponed to 17-21 May 2021.

August10, 2016

The International Association of Clinical Forensic Medicine (formerly World Police Medical Officers) will be holding its triennial scientific meeting in conjunction with the 23rd Triennial Meeting of the International Association of Forensic Sciences in Sydney, Australia, from November 2023.

The Meeting will be of interest to all involved with forensic medicine including forensic physicians, forensic pathologists, psychiatrists, paediatricians, forensic nurses, scientists, psychologists, lawyers and police.

The Meeting theme is “where to from here?” The theme asks the forensic community to review contemporary practices and consider strategies to improve operational contributions and effectiveness in the light of both current and future challenges.

I encourage you to attend this very important triennial meeting of the world forensic community.

I look forward to seeing you at IAFS 2020 in Sydney.

A/Prof John Gall

President, International Association of Clinical Forensic Medicine